Plant Family
Myrtaceae – Myrtle
Myrtaceae is a family of flowering plants that are well known for their essential oils and spices as well as some exotic looking flowers. There are about 143 genera in the family. More popular genera include Callistemon, Eucalyptus, Melaleuca, Myrtus (Myrtle), Pimenta (Allspice), Psidium (Guava), Syzygium (Clove).
Calceolaria or Slipper Flower
Calceolaria are a genus flowering plant from the family, Calceolariaceae. Commonly called the Slipper Flower, Lady’s Purse and Slipperwort, due to unusual flowers that resemble slippers or…
Callistemon or Red Bottlebrush Plant
Callistemons are a genus of exotic flowering plant from the Myrtle family, Myrtaceae. Commonly called the bottlebrush plant for obvious reasons. Currently, there is a debate as…