Antirrhinum – Snapdragon – border annual for a blaze of colour
Antirrhinums are better known as Snapdragons because the individual flower resembles a dragon’s face. They are one of the most colourful of border flowers that attract an abundance of wildlife. They generally have a long flowering season from early summer to mid-autumn. Flowers continue to bloom from the bottom up to the top and can be dead-headed regularly to keep looking their best.

Names 304_ec5763-dc> | 304_095983-61> |
Scientific name: 304_d58e1f-b3> |
Antirrhinum 304_56a53e-29> |
Common Names: 304_dd3715-c8> |
Snapdragon 304_ad52ac-82> |
Genus: 304_49121c-de> |
Antirrhinum 304_8fa9c8-41> |
Family: 304_cdd8fa-8c> | 304_3b6549-89> |
Related Plants: 304_488f29-f9> |
Digitalis (Foxgloves), Hebe, Penstemon 304_3760b9-3c> |
Growing Conditions 304_63742e-19> | 304_9c3c1e-0c> |
Position: 304_360cc3-86> |
full sun, partial shade 304_5c6ed6-0c> |
Soil Type: 304_7ca281-52> |
sandy, chalky, loamy 304_7631aa-ac> |
Soil pH: 304_9a99c2-82> |
slightly acid, neutral 304_0de2a9-6c> |
Moisture: 304_417aa1-8e> |
moist, well drained 304_b9300f-34> |